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AARCOENGINEERINGPVTLTD 6120c926ef43230001ce586f Products
These centrifugal fa
These centrifugal fa

High Pressure Fans

COD available


Product details

These centrifugal fans are employed for process air required for Combustion blowing or conveying duties.Typically generating static pressures above 500mmWG, these type of air movers are mainly used for blowing where low volume/ high pressure conditions are required. The impeller or wheel are typically radial or forward tipped, has comparatively lower static efficiencies & have smaller inlet & outlets to allow for lower volume throughputs. The centrifugal Fans provide good operating efficiency and are generally preferred for high pressure, medium flow applications. Centrifugal blowers in India are also known as ID Fans based on their usage. The ID Fans, also known as Induced Draft Fans, takes the hot flue gases from furnace via dust collector system and delivered to the stack. The ID Fans finds a large number of application in boilers. Industrial blowers are used in factories to move air. The high temperatures in the production units cause the efficiency of machines to decrease. With the help of these blowers, the polluted air is thrown out enabling the new fresh air to move in. Available with Radial Forward or Backward curved blades optimally designed as per application Temperatures upto 400 Degree Centigrade and Pressure available upto 100mm static MOC as per client and process requirements

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