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AARCOENGINEERINGPVTLTD 6120c926ef43230001ce586f Products
EC fans meaning elec
EC fans meaning elec

EC Plug Fan

COD available


Product details

EC fans meaning electronically commutated fans offer comprehensive economic performance and environmental advantages over the traditional Fans. They come with a brushless DC motor and have no energy and consequent efficiency losses. Speed is 100% speed controllable, not frequency dependant. Can be set-up for constant airflow or constant pressure. Plug Fan: Plug fans are blowers without housing, or open type blowers. Majorly used for hot air circulation, in the dust collector where they are fitted directly on the body. This fan is generally designed in accordance to data like operating temperature, circulation required, airflow required, pressure inside the fan. Significant energy savings of around 30%. Low Noise operation. Intelligent electronics for numerous control functions. Speed is100% speed controllable, can be set-up for constant airflow or constant pressure and be driven upto 3600rpm replacing multiple type motors of 2/4/6 pole and with easy wiring. Easy 1:1 replacement from AC technology to EC technology. Can be used worldwide (due to wide voltage input).

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